Copy cells directly from a spreadsheet (such as Google Sheets or Libreoffice Calc) and paste into this block. Spreadsheet cells will be displayed and formatted properly.
Dizze plugin jout 1 blok.
- Spreadsheet Paste A simple block to display data pasted from a spreadsheet
Install and activate using either the built-in WordPress plugin installer or the Block Directory.
Or manually by:
- Downloading the plugin zip file and extract it
- Upload the whole plugin folder folder to your ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
- Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
Do I need to format my spreadsheet in a particular way for this block?
No, just paste in cells from your spreadsheet and it’s ready to go
Will cell formatting (font & cell colors, font styles ) copy over to the block?
No they will not. Only content / data is kept in the copy/paste process for this block. The block will be formatted using WordPress / your theme’s styles.
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- Security upgrade to Freemius 2.11.0
- Integrate Freemius for analytics, debugging, and support
- Initial release