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Simple Press

Simple Press

Dit tema is yn mear as 2 jier net bywurke . It kin net langer wurde ûnderhâlden of stipe en kin kompatibiliteitsproblemen hawwe as it wurdt brûkt mei resinte ferzjes fan WordPress.

  • Ferzje 1.0.7
  • Last updated 12 augustus 2021
  • Active installations 300+
  • PHP version 5.6

Simple Press is as its name suggests, simple. Do you love simple themes with all the necessary features that a WordPress blog needs and no clutter, simple press is made for you. This theme is simple, fast, lightweight, and Robust at the same time. You can customize this theme from a customizer easily, you can change the width of the website, change blog layouts to grid view, masonry view, and list view. There are multiple single-page layouts which you can choose as you need for your post, post with/without sidebar and with/without thumbnail. You will also get an option to choose the thumbnail size for your home and archive page which can reduce the speed of the website tremendously. This theme is best for bloggers, writers, business blogs, lifestyle blogs, travelers, food lovers, personal portfolios, and more. If you are starting a new blog or already have one and looking for a switch, start using Simple Press. This theme also has light mode and dark mode option which can be easily achive with a simple switch button on the website. You can get more details of theme here: https://avidthemes.com/simple-press/

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Aktive ynstallaasjes: 300+