Dizze plugin is net hifke mei de lêste 3 grutte releases fan WordPress . It kin net langer wurde ûnderhâlden of stipe en kin kompatibiliteitsproblemen hawwe as it wurdt brûkt mei resinte ferzjes fan WordPress.

WP Sequence Slider


The WordPress slider plugin comes by default with a beautiful, responsive, modern and touch screen enabled layer slider skin. You can also modify the css as per your theme.

The plugin is designed for every one to use easily. There are lots of good functionality added in the free version of the plugin. If you like the free version, please support the plugin by sharing with others.
Demo and details


  • Create unlimited sliders and you can choose any number of slides by shortcode
  • Responsive slider
  • Insert sliders anywhere on your site using a simple shortcode
  • Custom post type for adding slider items
  • Custom slider link enables you to add external or internal link
  • Custom link text
  • Hide link on the slider
  • Show/hide title and description of the slider
  • Link on the slider image
  • Every slider is configurable and can have unique and different options
  • Touch gestures navigation for iOS, Android, and other touch devices
  • Works on iOS, Android, and other mobile devices

If you are facing any issue with the plugin and need help, please add your questions here WP Sequence Slider help

The plugin uses Sequence Slider


  1. Upload and extract the zip file downloaded to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Click on the new menu item “WP Sequence Slider” and create your first slide.
  4. Use the slider shortcode [sequence_slider] to insert the slider into your posts or pages. This displays all slides in the slider.
  5. To display all slides from a WP Sequence Slider category, add slider_category parameter to the shortcode. You can use either the name of the category or the slug for the category for the value of the parameter slider_category. For example, [sequence_slider slider_category="Beautiful Mountains"]. More examples: [sequence_slider slider_category=Lakes], [sequence_slider slider_category=serene-forests].
  6. By default the slider shows maximum number of slides as set for “Blog pages show at most” on the Reading settings of the blog. If you want to overide it, then you can add the parameter limit to the shortcode. For example, [sequence_slider slider_category=serene-forests limit=8].
  7. If you want to call the slider anywhere in the template page, use this php code <?php echo sequence_slider_display(); ?>.


Where can I get support?

Please use the support forum to ask questions the link is below.


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