“WP IE Buster” is a popup display plug-in that urges Chrome to Internet Explorer (IE) users. I made it to save WordPress developers.
In many cases, IE users are not aware of browser type. Even if I strongly deny IE, a more natural approach is needed because a regrettable response comes back “What is that?”
So I developed “WP IE Buster”. Just by activating the plugin, users using IE 8 – 11 will see a popup prompting for Chrome download.
UI is Microsoft ‘s Fabric style. There is no close button. It is because you will not be able to continue browsing with browsers that are not recommended environment.
We will deliver the right proposal to the IE user as politely as possible.
Although it may not be as strong as the naming destructive power, I’d appreciate it if “WP IE Buster” becomes one that saves web makers.
- Upload the plugin files to the
directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly. - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
Support browser
IE8, IE9, IE10, IE11
Meiwurkers & amp; Untwikkelders
“WP IE Buster” is iepen boarne software. De folgjende minsken hawwe bydroegen oan dizze plugin.
Meiwurkers“WP IE Buster” is oerset yn 2 lokaasjes. Tank oan de oersetters foar harren bydragen.
Oersette “WP IE Buster” yn jo taal.
Ynteressearre yn ûntwikkeling?
Blêdzje troch de koade , besjoch de SVN-repository , of abonnearje op it ûntwikkelingslogboek troch RSS .
- Fixed undefined index by debug_mode
- Added debug mode and support for TranslatePress
- Allow URLs to open in Microsoft Edge
- Enhanced Hidden
- Test with WordPress 5.5
- Test with WordPress 5.4
- Add option
- Supported English
- Fix text, Add id
- First release