Dizze plugin is net hifke mei de lêste 3 grutte releases fan WordPress . It kin net langer wurde ûnderhâlden of stipe en kin kompatibiliteitsproblemen hawwe as it wurdt brûkt mei resinte ferzjes fan WordPress.

WooCommerce Custom Price


For those of you who want to change default “Free!” text for products and don’t want to / don’t know how to write some code to the functions.php in your theme.

This simple plugin extends the WooCommerce settings to display custom text for products with free price and blank price. Custom text is defined on the catalog tab of the WooCommerce settings screen.

This plugin is WooCommerce 2.x compatible.

If you like the plugin, please rate and review it here. Thank you!


  • WooCommerce Custom Price options


Installing “WooCommerce Custom Price” can be done either by searching for “WooCommerce Custom Price” via the “Plugins” => “Add New” screen in your WordPress dashboard, or by using the following steps:

  1. Download the plugin via WordPress.org
  2. From WordPress dashboard through the ‘Plugins’ => ‘Add New’ => ‘Upload’ , select the ZIP file to upload
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  4. Go to Catalog tab, within WooCommerce settings screen and define which custom text you want to display
  5. Done


Will be available for next update


7 april, 2017
This plugin was great until the recent woocommerce 3.0 update. Now the “Custom text for free price” is not working. Putting 0 as price displays as € 0.00 on single product page. Useless until updated. https://snag.gy/XpHS6n.jpg I see no support tab, just hope authors will see this message so they can fix it. Deserves 5 stars when fixed!
14 oktober, 2016
A useful plugin if you do a simple showcase of goods and at the same time do not want to delve into the php code.
Lês alle 8 resinsjes

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  • Fixed: input text did not saved. (kudos wpmonkeyatl)
  • Compatibility with WooCommerce 2.1.x
  • Compatibility with WordPress 3.8.1


  • Add product variations filter. (kudos maximsbarabash)


  • Compatibility with WordPress 3.7.1


  • Initial release.