if you want to add more recipients to the new woocommerce order’s notification but not want to send every new woocommerce order notification to all. This plugin will help to do that. By using this, you can add email addresses to woocommerce product’s categories and when new woocommerce order will be placed on the store, the plugin will go through the all woocommerce order items(products) and get all the categories of order items, at the end find out all the email’s related to order item’s categories. In this way, we can send information to the specific person about specific orders, all not all orders to all recipients.
How to use it?
First you have to enable WooCommerce new order notification to send notifications to admin.
Then Go to category Add/Edit. You will find a field labeled “Order recipient Email”, you can add comma separated email’s address. This will enable you to add more with admin notifcation.
How to use it?
Go to category Add/Edit. You will find a field labeled “Order recipient Email”, you can add comma separated email’s address
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