Are you tired of complex shipping setups and rigid pricing structures? Look no further! Meet Extra Shipping Rates, the user-friendly WooCommerce plugin designed to give you complete control over your shipping rates. With a multitude of conditions to tailor your shipping costs, you can now offer a personalized and seamless shopping experience for your customers. No ads, no upsells, no banners. It just works!
Conditions Include
- Payment Method: Choose shipping rates based on the selected payment method.
- Order Type: Distinguish rates for individual and company orders.
- Product Category: Set rates based on specific product categories.
- Billing Country: Tailor shipping costs to different billing countries.
- Cart Total: Adjust rates depending on the total value of items in the cart.
- Cart Total (with Discount): Factor in cart total after discounts are applied.
- Package Weight: Set rates based on the weight of the package.
- Package Volume: Customize rates based on the volume of the package.
- Package Longest Side: Set rates based on the longest side of the package.
- Shipping Class: Define rates for different shipping classes.
- Items in Cart: Adjust rates based on the number of items in the cart.
- Items in Condition: Adjust rates based on the number of items in the cart that match the product category or shipping class condition.
- Current Date: Set rates for specific dates.
- Current Time: Set rates for specific times during the day.
- Current Day: Set rates for specific days of the week.
- User logged in: Set different rates for logged in and guest customers.
- User role: Set different rates based on the user’s role.
- Install and activate “VP Shipping Rate” from your WordPress dashboard.
- Navigate to the settings and configure your shipping rates based on the provided conditions.
- Enjoy the flexibility of personalized shipping rates that adapt to your business needs.
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- Greater or equal and less or equal comparison settings in conditions
- Marked compatibiltiy with latest WP and Woo
- Display “free” in WooCommerce e-mails next to the shipping method name, if it was free shipping
- User logged in condition
- User role condition
- Marked compatibiltiy with latest WP and Woo
- If the shipping is free, it will display “free” after the shipping method name
- “Highest, but with free shipping” logic option, so you can use the most expensive option, but it will use the free one anyway if exists
- Time condition: setup shipping rates based on the current time, for example rates are different before 12:00 (use 24 hour format)
- Day conditon: setup shipping rates based on the current day of the week
- Items in condition count: if the condition contains a product category or shipping class condition, this value will only count the matching products, not the total number of cart items
- Fix for the “If free shipping is available, make this rate free too” option
- You can use math in the cost field, like * [qty](which is the cart count, or if the condition is based on shipping class or category, the count of the matching items)
- Sum cost logic, which adds together all the matching costs to define the final shipping cost
- Updated readme and assets
- First version released