Dizze plugin is net hifke mei de lêste 3 grutte releases fan WordPress . It kin net langer wurde ûnderhâlden of stipe en kin kompatibiliteitsproblemen hawwe as it wurdt brûkt mei resinte ferzjes fan WordPress.

Sticky Genesis Topbar


You must have the Genesis framework installed with an active Genesis child theme to use this plugin.

This plugin adds an area before Genesis header and footer and a options panel to the Genesis Theme Settings page where users can add or modify text, button text, button URL, and social media icons and set the position for Topbar. User also can remove the topbar by checking a checkbox in this section.

To edit settings: Go to Dashbaord -> Genesis -> Sticky Topbar


  1. Countdown Timer Demo Here.
  2. CTA (call-to-action) Text
  3. Social Media URLs
  4. Subscribe Form Integration (Pro Feature)

You will be able to add your brand’s social URL of following sites:
* Facebook
* Twitter
* Linkedin
* Pinterest
* Instagram
* YouTube
* Dribbble
* Medium
* Tumblr
* Vimeo
* Mobile/Cell Number
* Request More Here.

General Settings

  • Color changing options for topbar background, text, button text & background, and Countdown background.
  • Set Topbar width, font-size, height and button animation and effects.
  • Reposition Topbar position at top or Bottom.
  • Unsticky the Topbar.
  • Hide it even after configuration.

CTA(call-to-action) Text & Button

  • Write text for call-to-action section.
  • Add button URL for CTA.
  • Select the button URL target.
  • Select the button relation to nofollow or dofollow.
  • Write button text.

Social Media URLs

  • Add upto 10 social media platforms’ URL
  • Add cell or contact number.
  • Hide social media URLs / on mobile.

Countdown Timer Settings

  • Add text before the timer.
  • Set the date for Countdown.
  • Hide Countdown.


Sticky Genesis Topbar is compatible with any Genesis child theme, whether created by StudioPress or by a third party developer. Read full documentation here.

We are open for any suggestion for this plugin. Feel free to let us know here.

If you like this plugin, then consider checking out our other projects:

RainaStudio Blog – Web Development Tutorial and Other Resources
Switch CTA Box – Add Unlimited CTA(Click to Action) Contents
Menu Iconset – Add Description and Icon to Navigation Menu Item
Sticky Topbar – Add an Topbar area to Your WordPress Website
Ucard – A Blog Makeovering Tool — Change Your Blog Design Today!


  • General Settings
  • CTA Text & Button Settings
  • Social Media Settings
  • Countdown Settings
  • Sticky Topbar Position at Top
  • Sticky Topbar Position at Bottom


  1. Upload the entire genesis-topbar folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory (or install directly by searching in Plugins > Add New)
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. In the Genesis Theme Setting menu you’ll see submenu “Sticky Topbar”, add or modify content for your topbar from the meta fields.


Who should Use Sticky Genesis Topbar plugin?

Sticky Genesis Topbar plugin is perfect for business owners, marketers, bloggers, influencers, agencies, and basically anyone else who wants to integrate topbar or a message bar into their website to help grow their content, email list, increase conversions, or engage more with promotion.

Do I need coding skills?

Nope! We understand that many WordPress users aren’t technical and so have built all of our plugins to be as easy as possible to set up and use. The easy feed setup process just requires you to login into your website and then navigate to Genesis > Sticky Topbar to setting up as you want.

Will Sticky Genesis Topbar plugin slow down my site?

The plugin is specifically built with speed and performance in mind. We dynamically load data as needed to ensure that your page speed stays lightning fast.

Do Sticky Genesis Topbar plugin work on non-Genesis Framework sites?

The plugin is primarily designed and built for Genesis Framework, but if you are on a non-Genesis Framework site then we do have Standalone version of the plugin. The plugin can be found here.

Need more options for this plugin?

Please leave your feedback or send your query to ashif[at]rainastudio[dot]com


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“Sticky Genesis Topbar” is iepen boarne software. De folgjende minsken hawwe bydroegen oan dizze plugin.


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  • remove loop
  • bug fixed


  • update codebase
  • bug fixed


  • update codebase
  • admin notice


  • hook priority added
  • some css update


  • Translation file(nl_NL) added
  • Bug Fix
  • UX writing upgrade


  • Set Max Width
  • Set Topbar Button Effects & Animation
  • Bug Fix
  • UI Updates
  • Text Before Countdown


  • Topbar URL Targer
  • Topbar URL Relation
  • Dismiss Bug Fix


  • Unsticky Topbar
  • Reposition the Bar (Top, Bottom)


  • update minor problems


  • add countdown feature
  • add admin notice


Minor but important updates


  • Backend UX get updates
  • Pro features added
  • Cookie Updates


  • Close button added
  • jQuery Cookie added


  • Minor Updates


  • Maximized characters length to 180.
  • Add Social Media Sites’ URLs.
  • Integrated FontAwesome.


  • Initial Release