Plugin Tag: url
External URL Featured Image
(8 totale wurdearrings)Use an external url image as Featured Image for your posts, pages, and other kind of post types.
Domain Theme
(2 totale wurdearrings)Domain Theme allows you to specify more then one domain name with your WordPress installation and assign individual themes to each one.
Redirect Post to URL
(6 totale wurdearrings)Redirects a post (or any other any post-type) with a custom field ’redirect’ to another URL
JSM file_get_contents() Shortcode
(1 totale wurdearrings)A safe and reliable WordPress shortcode for PHP's file_get_contents() function.
Page Theme
(12 totale wurdearrings)Specify the theme (not template, that is already taken care of by Wordpress) you wish to use with each given page or blog post.
(9 totale wurdearrings)Rewrite – A WordPress plugin to manage URL rewrite. Edit/add/backup/restore/reorder/test rewrite rule in easy way.
(0 totale wurdearrings)A custom permalink plugin to dynamically handle multiple types of custom permalinks including '?'.
URL & Path Shortcodes
(3 totale wurdearrings)This is a simple plugin that allows you to use common WordPress URL's and Paths in the post editor using shortcodes.
Disable Comment Url
(2 totale wurdearrings)Nice and simple plugin help you to remove URL from comment to avoid people to do spam comments by posting their urls to your website
Force Domain Redirect
(4 totale wurdearrings)Forces your Wordpress site to load on the domain registered in the WP admin.
External url as post Featured Image (thumbnail)
(2 totale wurdearrings)[ ✅ 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐄 𝐏𝐋𝐔𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐒 b𝓎 𝒫𝓊𝓋𝑜𝓍] Set External-URL as post thumbnail url.
WP Autoset Featured Image Plus
(6 totale wurdearrings)Check for an image inside text editor or use external images from anywhere as the featured image of your pages and posts.
(1 totale wurdearrings)Use generated shortlinks for all your WordPress posts and pages, including custom post types.
Slug as body class
(6 totale wurdearrings)Add a unique class to the body tag for easy styling of individual pages
No Comment Links
(2 totale wurdearrings)When activated, disables automatic parsing and creation of clickable links in comments, including http, ftp, and e-mail links.
Auto Clean URL for SEO
(2 totale wurdearrings)Auto Clean URL for SEO removes STOP WORDS from the WordPress Slugs (URLs) in ENGLISH, SPANISH, GERMAN and FRENCH.
(13 totale wurdearrings)Move your Pages/Posts/Custom Post Type admin links from the sidebar to a Content menu that nests everything where it should be