Plugin Tag: encyclopedia
Encyclopedia / Glossary / Wiki
(159 totale wurdearrings)Supercharged tool to build your own awesome Encyclopedia / Lexicon / Glossary / Wiki / Dictionary / Knowledge base / Directory / Vocabulary in no time
Glossary by WPPedia – Best Glossary plugin for WordPress
(1 totale wurdearrings)The ultimate Glossary plugin that will fit all your needs. Create your own glossary (aka encyclopedia, or lexicon) with all the features you need! 📖
Flexicon – Very fresh Lexicon
(0 totale wurdearrings)“Very fresh Lexicon" is a simple yet customizable plugin to create a lexicon in wordpress.
(0 totale wurdearrings)Write encyclopedia articles for the world from your blog! Plugin makes adding your articles to encyclosphere aggregators as easy as pressing a button.