Plugin Tag: deploy
Deploy Webhook Button
(1 totale wurdearrings)Easily deploy static sites using Wordpress and Netlify
Publish to Netlify
(0 totale wurdearrings)Easily deploy static sites to Netlify using WordPress as backend. This plugin builds your static website using Netlify webhooks to trigger the deploy …
Copy Post
(1 totale wurdearrings)Copy Post allows you to copy posts from one instance of WordPress to another.
WP Quick Deploy Revisited
(2 totale wurdearrings)WP Quick Deploy Revisited allows you to either choose plugins from a preset and/or create your own list which you can easily ex-/import & manage.
WP Publisher
(0 totale wurdearrings)"Plug-in to Upload WordPress site Dev to Publish by one click".
(0 totale wurdearrings)This plugin allows you to deploy your WordPress site source code from git repository using webhooks.
(0 totale wurdearrings)This plugin allows you to automatically send changes to your GIT repository, immediately after any update is made on your site.