Plugin Tag: cache
2kb Performance
(2 totale wurdearrings)Ultimate Performance Boost For Your Site. Merge and cache css/javascript files and reduce server request up to 90%.
WP Static Pages
(0 totale wurdearrings)Generate Static HTML files from pages, so these sites will be 10x faster than non-static.This plugin supports posts, categories and products also.
SuperRSS by Leo Balter
(0 totale wurdearrings)Totally in Portuguese-Br yet, this add a very customizabole rss or atom feed. Made after the standard wp rss plugin.
Fix Event Calendar Caching
(1 totale wurdearrings)This plugin makes the All-in-One Event Calendar's javascript cacheable to improve page load speed.
Toolbox for ApisCP
(0 totale wurdearrings)Helper toolbox to better integrate W3TC and other features of the ApisCP hosting platform.
- Typograph
(0 totale wurdearrings)Русская типографика через сервис «Типограф» Студии Артемия Лебедева.
- Cache Control
(1 totale wurdearrings) Cache Control is a free plugin to clear your WordPress site's cache at
WP Roids
(26 totale wurdearrings)The fastest caching plugin for WordPress. FASTER than WP Super Cache, W3 Total Cache, WP Fastest Cache and many more…
SQLite Cache
(2 totale wurdearrings)Provides SQLite cache storage that applied before WordPress core load. Doesn't create multiple html files but stores all pages in one file.
(4 totale wurdearrings)Makes WordPress a lot faster using PJAX (PushState + AJAX) for loading content.
Warp Cache
(1 totale wurdearrings)Simple, light and powerful cache plugin. No customisation required. Integrated GooglePage Speed Insights for monitoring how well website is optimized.
Plugin Varnish Purges
(0 totale wurdearrings)Based on Varsnish plugins by pkhamre, wfelipe, eitch, but heavily forked for
Ivan Gospodinow Cache
(4 totale wurdearrings)Ivan Gospodinow Cache is smart , automated and completely removable caching plugin.Just install and turn on.
(0 totale wurdearrings)The Speedly plugin helps you purge Speedly's cache after you update your Wordpress content
站长帮 – WordPress CDN 管理插件
(2 totale wurdearrings)插件功能:为 WordPress 网站添加自动管理 CDN 缓存的功能。在发布或更新文章、发表评论或评论被审批后自动刷新/预缓存相关URL的 CDN 缓存,目前仅支持腾讯云CDN,未来将支持更多CDN服务商。 插件作者:站长帮
Flush Opcache with Varnish
(0 totale wurdearrings)Flush Opcache with Varnish automatically flushes the PHP Opcache when one of the "Empty Cache" buttons that Mika Epstein's excellent Va …
WP RSS Cache Flusher
(0 totale wurdearrings)WP RSS Cache Flusher is a simple plugin for flushing the Magpie RSS cache from WordPress' database.
Cache Google Web Font
(2 totale wurdearrings)This plugin will cache google web font to local files.