Plugin made to change Oxygen’s builder theme and add new functionalities. Plugin requires Oxygen Builder 4.0 or higher.
Key Features
- Paste Swiss Knife Pro clipboard data
After plugin is installed open Oxygen editor
- Click on the
Download ZIP
button at the right to download the plugin - Go to Plugins > Add New in your WordPress admin. Click on
Upload Plugin
and browse for the zip file - Activate the plugin
Need some more information about installation? Please read the official WordPress documentation about managing plugins.
Meiwurkers & amp; Untwikkelders
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Updated WP 6.3 Compatibility
Updated paste. Changing icon class-name for Oxygen 4.0 was not tarketing JavaScript properly
Entire plugin is refactored and now surves one purpage only. Plugis is for pasting clipboard data from Swiss Knife Pro.
- Removed icons (Moved to ERROPiX Hydrogen Pack plugin)
- Removed wide structure panel (Moved to ERROPiX Hydrogen Pack plugin)
- Removed open structure panel on load (Moved to ERROPiX Hydrogen Pack plugin)
- Recolored icons
- Added icons for: Repeater, Easy posts and gallery
- Fixed missing input for effects settings
- Recolored global colors dialog box
- Recolored some backgounds in left pannel
- Back to Admin, Fronted and open Settings, Stylesheet Selectors are accesable with 1 click less
- Fixed missing X button on adding gradient
- Recolored some backgounds in left pannel
- Fixed Breakpoints issue
- Fixed Structure element without children
- Fixed states dropdown owerlap
- Fixed seconddary controls background UI
- This is for Oxygen builder 3.3 and up
- Finally light theme!!!
- Removed edit with oxygen links since they are supported by Oxygen by default
- Removed shortcuts as I’m using ERROPiX Hydrogen Pack (they support it already)
- Expanded classes pannel to be visible all the time for faster switch between them
- Added index ( Silence is golden.)
- Reusable elements changed 1 per row. It’s easier to read longer text.
- Updated readme text
- Fixed missing css folder
- Renamed css and js files to swissknife
- First public release