Dizze plugin is net hifke mei de lêste 3 grutte releases fan WordPress . It kin net langer wurde ûnderhâlden of stipe en kin kompatibiliteitsproblemen hawwe as it wurdt brûkt mei resinte ferzjes fan WordPress.

Structured data for Events Manager


Automatically adds structured data to events posts created with the Events Manager plugin by JSON-LD method.

Tested on 5.9.5 version of Events Manager

This plugin works automatically. No configuration required.


  1. You can install it through the official plugins directory, or upload schemaorg-for-events-manager folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory of your server.
  2. Activate the SCHEMA.ORG for Events Manager plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in your dashboard. IMPORTANT: You must have installed and activated the Events Manager plugin.
  3. That’s all folks. Now you can use this plugin 🙂


Lês alle 2 resinsjes

Meiwurkers & amp; Untwikkelders

“Structured data for Events Manager” is iepen boarne software. De folgjende minsken hawwe bydroegen oan dizze plugin.




  • Update Text Domain to match the plugin slug.


  • The start time 00:00 and end time 23:59 is removed when the event is marked “All Day” according to Google’s guidelines at https://developers.google.com/search/docs/data-types/event.


  • The template file .pot and the English and Spanish translations are added.


  • First version!