Adds a new admin settings section to the Settings > Reading table. Drag and drop Sticky Posts in the order you want them considered by WordPress. (Note: You still have to set posts as sticky on the post edit screen for sticky posts to show up)
- How do I order sticky posts?
Just drag and drop the posts in the order you want them considered.
- I changed the order, but the order isn’t changed on my site. What’s wrong?
This is a case of the loop not using
. You have to manually modify your query to do this. Future versions will handle that for you.$sticky_loop = new WP_Query( array( 'post__in' => get_option('sticky_posts'), 'orderby' ==> 'post__in' ) );
- Do you like beer? Can I buy you one?
Derp. I’m a beer snob. Of course you can.
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- Initial launch.