Export Single Post Page


Say goodbye to exporting your entire content database or manually copying and pasting individual posts or pages. This innovative tool empowers you to effortlessly export and save selected posts or pages as standalone files in just a few clicks. Seamlessly migrate, backup, or share your content with collaborators like never before.

Download the Single Post/Page Export plugin today and experience a new level of efficiency and control over your WordPress content.

  • One-click Export


  • An example of the ‘Export’ link when viewing Pages.


Use the automatic installer via WordPress or download the plugin and:

  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/single-post-page-export directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.
  3. Navigate to any Post, Page, or Attachment
  4. Hover over the area to show the ‘Export’ link.


17 july, 2024 1 reakce
Perfect export. I have used it to export single books (cpt: books) and it had ACF fields such as isbn, number of pages, etc… and with the native WP import on my other website (where I have the same ACF fields) they have remained as in the original. Thanks for the plugin
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  • Tested for WP 6.5
  • Plugin name change


  • Rewrite to use query instead of custom code for export


  • Category/CDATA fix


  • Translation ready


  • Initial release.