Easy way to display the Author profile with four social networking profiles using widget.
Through this plugin,
- Use can able to add four social networking profiles.
- Admin can able to the Author profile in Sidebar or Footer using widgets.
- Author can able to add their four networking profiles like Google Plus, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin to their profile.
- Admin can able to customize the title for the widget.
- If the email id has been registered in gravatar, then the gravatar image will be displayed.
- Total number of post and comments will be displayed.
For More information :
v 1.1
- Supports WordPress 4.3
v 1.0
- Public release
- Upload the “simple-author-widget” directory to the plugins directory.
- Go to the users –> your profile –> Simple Author Widget Profile Information. Fill your social networking details.
- Go to Appearance –> Widget –> Drag Simple Author Widget to appropriate location
- Choose the custom title for the widget
For More information :
Meiwurkers & amp; Untwikkelders
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- Supports 4.3
- Public release