Prevent customers from completing their order by setting a minimum checkout amount. This is the order total or sub-total (defined in the settings) that must be met. If a customer attempts to reach the checkout, they are automatically sent back to the basket.
With this plugin you can:
- Specify the minimum checkout amount
- Determine the minimum checkout amount is against the customer’s total or sub-total
- Customise the warning message when the minimum checkout amount is not set
- Set the minimum order rule to apply between two dates (start and end)
- Download the plugin, install it to your
directory. Alternatively, you can install the plugin through the WordPress plugins section - Activate through the ‘Plugins’ section
- Once activated, go to WooCommerce -> Settings and navigate to ‘Set minimum purchase settings’
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1.0.0 2020-12-12
- Initial release
1.0.1 2020-12-28
- Updated naming following advice from WordPress plugin team
1.0.2 2020-12-28
- Updated naming following advice from WordPress plugin team and make description clearer
1.0.3 2020-12-28
- Moved files to top level directory