Dizze plugin is net hifke mei de lêste 3 grutte releases fan WordPress . It kin net langer wurde ûnderhâlden of stipe en kin kompatibiliteitsproblemen hawwe as it wurdt brûkt mei resinte ferzjes fan WordPress.

Send Custom Fields From WooCommerce to Active Campaign


This plugin helps you run a script that migrates custom fields from WooCommerce orders into the matching email contacts on ActiveCampaign.


  1. Install plugin
  2. Go to Settings > Send Custom Fields from WooCommerce To Active Campaign
  3. Set the API Key and Base URL
  4. Add the Active Campaign custom field names and ids that match your WooCommerce Installation.


What fields do you support?

Currently simple text fields.


D’r binne gjin resinsjes foar dizze plugin.

Meiwurkers & amp; Untwikkelders

“Send Custom Fields From WooCommerce to Active Campaign” is iepen boarne software. De folgjende minsken hawwe bydroegen oan dizze plugin.




Added ability to send custom values from WooCommerce Customer to ActiveCampaign Contac