Safer Login is a light plugin enables webmaster and administrators that allows to change wp-admin url to any custom url they want easily as well as safely. Nothing would be changed in wordpress core. The plugin simple intercepts page requests on your WordPress website. Using this plugin is kind of like you have a safebox with hidden lock, thieves and hackers cant find the lock and can
t figure out where they should start to unlocking your safebox! as smart as that. Please bookmark your new admin url or use an address which is specific to you and make sure that you can memorize it easily because acticating the old wp-admin directory and wp-login.php page will become unavailable. You can bring wp-admin url to the regular simply by disabling the plugin and your website will work just as the same it was before.
description in Fa
محتوای وبسایت شما مانند محتوای یک گاوصندوق ارزشمند است. رمز ورود به پنل وردپرس مانند رمز گاوصندوق شما از محتوای داخل وبسایت حفاظت کرده و آن را از دسترس سارقان و هکرها در امان نگه می دارد. استفاده از این پلاگین مانند این است که از یک قفل نامرئی برای گاوصندوق خود استفاده کرده اید.
Under Settings menu you can click on “Permalinks” and change admin URL to whatever url you want “safer wp-admin login”.
- Go to Plugins › Add New.
- Search for Safer wp-admin login.
- Download and activate it.
- Go under Settings and then click on “Permalinks” and change your URL under “safer wp-admin login”
- You can change this anytime, just go back to Settings › Permalinks › safer wp-admin login.
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- Initial version.