

Dizze plugin is sluten fan 2 jannewaris, 2025 ôf en is net beskikber foar ynlaad. Dizze sluting is tydlik, yn ôfwachting fan in folsleine resinsje.


Dizze plugin jout 2 blokken.

  • Responsive iframes
  • Responsive iframe


19 oktober, 2022
Solved my struggle to fit a site into wordpress iframe!
25 septimber, 2022
simple and efficient, bravo
28 desimber, 2021 1 reakce
I tried so many different plugins and they were so convoluted. I have an iframe that I want to embed a page from another domain (ie cross-domain iframe) and all of the 8 other plugins I downloaded wanted me to modify the source file that I wanted to embed and/or mess with embed codes in wordpress, or a bunch of other mess. I installed this plugin, clicked the + sign and added the responsive block, pasted my url and the site came up instantly and is responsive in all views. I haven’t even had to touch the options which the other plugins want to charge for. IT JUST WORKS! Thanks so much. You saved me so much time on my workflow because for each video I create on my off-site video hosting place, I have to embed those html files into each wordpress page/post (probably will be over 200 videos) and you just made that a one click & paste process. All the best.
4 septimber, 2021
automatically resize my frame for every device and compatible with any browser. I really recommend it.
Lês alle 6 resinsjes

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“Responsive iframe” is iepen boarne software. De folgjende minsken hawwe bydroegen oan dizze plugin.


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