Post Last Update Info


The Post Last Update Info plugin helps you display the last modified date of your posts, pages, and custom post types. This information can be displayed above or below the content and is fully customizable.

Automatically inserts last updated information on posts, pages, and custom post types.
Adds ‘dateModified’ schema markup for SEO.
Displays the last modified info above or below the post/page content.
Option to disable last modified info on specific posts or pages.
Option to disable the last updated info on all WordPress pages.

Enable Last Update Info: Toggle to enable or disable displaying the last updated info globally.
Custom Text: Enter custom text to be displayed before the last updated date (e.g., “Last updated on”).
Display Position: Choose to display the info either above or below the post/page content.
Disable on Single Pages: Disable displaying the last updated info on single WordPress pages (like contact or about pages).


Initial release of the plugin.


First stable release.


This plugin is licensed under the GPLv2 or later license. See for more details.



Download and unzip the plugin
Upload the entire “post-last-update-info” directory to the “/wp-content/plugins/” directory
Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in “WordPress”
Go to the setting->Post last update info pages to configure.


  1. How can I disable the last updated info on specific posts?
    You can disable the last updated info for specific posts using the checkbox available on the post edit screen.

  2. Does the plugin support custom post types?
    Yes, the plugin supports custom post types and allows you to display or disable the last updated info on any custom post type archives.

  3. Can I hide the last updated info on WordPress pages?
    Yes, there is an option in the settings to disable the last updated info on all WordPress pages.


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