Dizze plugin is net hifke mei de lêste 3 grutte releases fan WordPress . It kin net langer wurde ûnderhâlden of stipe en kin kompatibiliteitsproblemen hawwe as it wurdt brûkt mei resinte ferzjes fan WordPress.

Picturefill fix for WooCommerce


If you love WooCommerce and WP Retina 2x you have likely ran into an issue on variable product pages if you are using the recommended retina method of picturefill. When selecting a variation with an attached image it should replace the product image shown. Unfortunately, the way that WooCommerce replaces the image it is not compatible with the picturefill method… until now!


Upload the Picturefill fix for WooCommerce plugin to your blog, and Activate it.


Why do I need this plugin?

Variable product images do not update when selecting a variation if picturefill is used. This plugin fixes that issue.

Where is the settings for the plugin?

There are no settings. If you have WooCommerce and WP Retina 2x installed it will just work.

Why don’t I just use the Retina.js method?

Retina.js results in the loading of both the standard and retina image. Picturefill only loads the image best suited for the display.

Will this work with my theme?

Most likely yes. As long as your theme keeps the WooCommerce product image convention of a wrapper div with the ‘.images’ class it will work.


3 septimber, 2016
Disclaimer: I am the plugin author. What it does is simple, but it does the job. Hopefully one day this plugin will not be needed with a future WooCommerce update, but until that day comes I will use this plugin on all my WooCommerce retina sites.
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Release Date – 29 October 2015

  • Added Frequently Asked Questions


Release Date – 29 October 2015

  • Initial release