This WooCommerce plugin automatically generates invoice PDFs, attaches PDF with order confirmation email and lets owner and customers download these PDFs from the order table.
Main features
- Completely automatic PDF invoice generation and attachment.
- Allows attaching PDF invoice to order emails.
- Per order manual PDF invoice generation.
- Customizable PDF contents.
- Beautifully designed order items tables allowing to show product add-ons information.
- Customers can download PDFs from My Account page.
- Show order date, status in invoices.
- Custom seller’s message at the bottom of the PDF
Premium version comes with these features
- Change between beautiful templates.
- Let customers decide whether they want a PDF attached to their emails or not.
- Change fonts to your liking.
- Show/Hide store address in invoices.
- Add a store logo on top of the invoice and resize to fit.
- Bulk download PDF invoices
- Clear cache anytime to free up memories.
Get the premium version
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1.0.0 – September 16, 2017
- Initial release.