This plugin let you customize your WP login screen with your logo or any other image from your Media Library.
You can also resize the login form width, height and set arbitraty margins to create the perfect WP Login screen.
- Upload a picture or pick up a file from your Media Library
- Preview the login screen from within the WP tools
- Set the margin, width and height of the login form
Et voilà ! A brand new login screen 🙂
- Download the plugin and upload it to your website ‘/wp-content/plugins/’
- Activate the plugin from your WordPress Dashboard » Plugins
- Go to ‘Toolss » Login Logo’
- Upload a picture and save
- Take a look at the Preview frame below and resize the margin / height / width of the form if needed
- How can I customize the background?
We are working on this functionality for further version of this plugin.
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- Fix issue with the media upload button not saving the URL as expected
- Fix issue with user permission
- First version ever