NVV Login Control allows you to customize the authorization page. Configurable redirection after login and logout. Redirect to custom profile page. Authorization on behalf of any user of the site with the click of a button (this option allows you to look at the site as the user sees it). Connection Google recaptcha V3. Closing the site for maintenance, and notifying users about this on a special page. Google Analytics script connection. Hiding the WordPress toolbar from users and site guests.
- On the login page, you can change the background colors, font colors and background image
- Custom CSS styles on the login page allow you to completely redesign the authorization page
- Customizing maintenance page
- Ability to access a closed site using the white list of ip-addresses
- Authorization on the site on behalf of any user is only for trusted users
- Polylang plugin support for multilingual sites
- Implemented complete clearing of all options from the site database created when using the plugin
External Libraries
- The Carbonfields custom fields library
Full translation into Russian | ru-RU
- Upload
to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
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First version.