Dizze plugin is net hifke mei de lêste 3 grutte releases fan WordPress . It kin net langer wurde ûnderhâlden of stipe en kin kompatibiliteitsproblemen hawwe as it wurdt brûkt mei resinte ferzjes fan WordPress.

Mytory Markdown for Dropbox


See intro video.

한글 자막 있습니다.

  • The plugin connect with Dropbox and link post with a markdown file on Dropbox.
  • Edit the file on your computer and click update button. Then post will be updated.
  • The plugin is compatible with other plugins like shortcode.
  • Other default functions of WordPress will work. This plugin do not disturb default work of WordPress.
  • Although your Dropbox file is losed by mistake, the content in WordPress is not losed.
  • Revoke Dropbox connection whenever you want. It will cause no problem.

You can use your own Dropbox App instead of my app

Define MYTORY_MARKDOWN_APP_KEY, MYTORY_MARKDOWN_APP_SECRET in wp-config.php. Then, your Dropbox App will control plugin.

Create your Dropbox App on this page.

You can use Multimarkdown 6

You can use the Muitimarkdown if you install it on your server. ((Website)[https://fletcher.github.io/MultiMarkdown-6/])

  1. Multimarkdown option will be enabled if a multimarkdown execution is on OS PATH and web server can run it.

  2. Otherwise, you can define MYTORY_MARKDOWN_MULTIMARKDOWN_EXECUTION constant on wp-config.php.
    ex) define('MYTORY_MARKDOWN_MULTIMARKDOWN_EXECUTION', '/opt/multimarkdown/bin/multimarkdown');


  • Select a file in Dropbox.
  • File list of Dropbox.
  • Update on view page.
  • Select your favorite Markdown Engine.


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/mytory-markdown-for-dropbox directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. Go to ‘Settings->Mytory Markdown for Dropbox Settings’ screen and link with your Dropbox account.


18 novimber, 2019
This is a super useful plugin for everyone who like to use variants of markdown to build website texts. The support of the developer is exemplary! Highly recommended.
29 augustus, 2017 1 reakce
와우! 정말 맘에 들어요!! 🙂 드롭박스 연동되는 마크다운이라니.. 너무 맘에 드네요! 백업도 되고 수정도 편하고 최고네요 ㅎㅎ 처음에 마크다운 관련 플러그인 검색했을 때 Mytory Markdown 플러그인 보고 링크로 연동되는 거라서 정말 편하겠다 싶었는데 이 플러그인은 심지어 드롭박스와 연동되는 거라 더욱 좋네요! +_+ 딱 제게 필요한 기능입니다. 매우 감사드려요~~!!
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Added the multimarkdown engine option.


Fixed revoking not work.


Disable on Gutenberg Editor, and show notice. Please rest assured. You can install Classic Editor Plugin
to use Mytory Markdown for Dropbox. And… I’ll support Gutenberg Editor.


Apply Dropbox API change.


Initial version.