Generate link and QR image to receive Banano donation. This is NOT official plugin of Banano and It is a community project made by love for Banano.
Follow the usual routine;
- Open WordPress admin, go to Plugins, click Add New
- Enter “monkey treat” in search and hit Enter
- click “Install Now” and activate the plugin.
- Go to Settings > Monkey Treat and enter your banano wallet address.
- Double check the address with your monkey image.
- Use
shortcode to show the QR code on the website.
Does this plugin needs access to the wallet?
No! This plugin is generating a QR code and link to your public wallet address. No access to any type of private keys or wallets are needed. Never share your private keys with someone else.
How can I find my wallet address?
You can use to get a Banano wallet. Also any other Banano wallet is supported.
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- Initial Version.