Dizze plugin is net hifke mei de lêste 3 grutte releases fan WordPress . It kin net langer wurde ûnderhâlden of stipe en kin kompatibiliteitsproblemen hawwe as it wurdt brûkt mei resinte ferzjes fan WordPress.

MakeStories (for Google Web Stories)


MakeStories is a visual drag-drop based editor to create AMP-Stories. This plugin helps you publish your Google Web Stories directly to your WordPress site with one click from your dashboard.

For detailed instructions on Installation and Setup read this article


Dizze plugin jout 4 blokken.

  • MS Published Post
  • MS Category Post
  • MS Single Post
  • MS Single Widget


Just install and activate the plugin.
After activation you will be prompted for the base slug you want to use for displaying the stories you will publish. Enter a slug and save it, and your setup is done.

For detailed instructions on Installation and Setup read this article


26 july, 2023
make stories wordpress plugin is not working properly from the last 2 months, I have tried many times to access the dashboard but the plugin always show error. Make Stories team is requested to resolve this issue from back end as soon as possible Thanking you
18 novimber, 2022 1 reakce
Everything is alright with this plugin and it works beautifully barring some suggestions I made in my previous review. There’s a new issue I’m facing right now and it’s about the LCP. On Google Search Console, all my webstories are marked as “Needs Improvement” and since the time this notificaiton shot up, my web stories traffic has gone down from 40k-50k to almost 0. I’ve checked the other aspects like google webstories guidelines etc and I don’t think I have any policy violations. There are no AMP errors. This LCP being high (3.2s) is the only point that seems to be a hindrance. Unfortunately I am unable to find any solution unless the developers have something to suggest. Hi, is there no support available for this plugin anymore? Thanks.
9 april, 2021
If you’re not up on how popular stories are, you’re sleeping! My team and more importantly clients love what we’ve been able to do for them. I’ve even ran into a couple road blocks along the way, and the MakeStories team has always been quick to help me out. And the results speak for themselves. Thanks MakeStories! Looking forward to the future!
26 maart, 2021 1 reakce
Google’s own Web Stories plugin cannot match this storytelling tool. Google may not care as long as people craft Google web stories any which way they can. Makestories is utterly enjoyable to work with, it just needs a bit more documentation. However, wonder where my story actually sits and what happens to my content.
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