It is a good practice to review your evergreen posts and pages periodically to update and expand the information on them and improve their SEO performance. But if you have a lot of posts and pages it can be hard to keep track of them. Little Free Air Freshener makes it simple by suggesting one at a time for you to work on.
Automatic installation is the easiest option. To do an automatic install of Little Free Archive Freshener, log in to your WordPress dashboard and go to Plugins / Add New. Enter “Little Free Archive Freshener” in the search field. To install Little Free Archive Freshener, click the Install Now button, then activate it by clicking the Activate button.
In order to install Little Free Archive Freshener manually, you will need to download the plugin here, then upload it to WordPress or use FTP software to upload it to your web server. Visit the WordPress Codex for manual installation instructions.
I recommend enabling automatic updates. To enable automatic updates, log into your WordPress dashboard and go to Plugins / Installed Plugins. Look for Little Free Archive Freshener and click Enable auto-updates in the Automatic Updates column.
Where can I find the options?
You can find the options in your WordPress dashboard under Settings / Writing, towards the bottom of the page.
How does Little Free Archive Freshener decide which posts or pages need an update?
It’s pretty simple, actually. Little Free Air Freshener checks for posts that haven’t been updated in a while and gives you a little nudge to update them, one at a time, on your WordPress dashboard.
By default, Little Free Archive Freshener suggests posts and pages that haven’t been updated in more than 90 days. (WordPress keeps track of the date a post was last modified separately from its publication date.) You can change this in the settings. For example, if you want to update your posts and pages about once a year, change the Freshen After number to 365 days.
You can also choose which post types to include. Little Free Archive Freshener selects from posts and pages by default, but some WordPress themes and plugins add custom post types. For example, WooCommerce adds a product post type, and those product pages might be important for SEO on your website. Custom post types will automatically show up next to Include Post Types in the settings so you can select the ones you want to include.
What does “skip for now” do when I click it?
Clicking skip for now will give you a new suggestion. (There is a chance the same post or page will come up again, especially if you don’t have many posts and pages left to update.)
What does “ignore it forever” do when I click it?
The ignore it forever option is for posts or pages that don’t ever need to be updated. It skips the post or page and adds it to a list so it will be permanently excluded. (Don’t worry, it’s easy to clear the list.)
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1.0 – 2021-05-14
- Everything.