The Konami Easter Egg plugin lets you add a YouTube video of your choice and a hidden messages to your website. Only people who know the secret code can see your message (unless they are poking around in the source code of your page, that is). By default, the secret code is the classic Konami cheat code (up up down down left right left right b a enter) but you can change it to anything you like. You can also customize the css to change the colors on your hidden page.
This plugin is made possible by George Mandis whose Konami-js code can be found at
Installing Konami Easter Egg is very easy and do not require any template modification. Just follow these steps :
Upload the folder ‘easter_egg’ to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
After activating the plugin you should see “Easter Egg” in the sidebar under “Settings.”
*IMPORTANT* Before the easter eggs will appear it is important that you enter the name of the outer most Div tag used in your theme templates. This can be found by viewing the source code of a page on your site. The first Div after the will look something like “
div id=”wrapper”>”. Take the name of this div (in this case it would be “wrapper” and enter it in the settings page for the plugin.
Enter the YouTube code of the video you would like to show. Change the “key” if you want a unique key combination to unlock the easter egg. Change the message to say something unique. Customize the CSS to change the appearance of your Easter Egg as desired.
Congratulations, you did it!
- How do I contact someone about this plugin?
Use the contact form found at
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