Kadio Digital Factory is the solutions development service of Kadio Consulting. We are committed to develop digital solutions for our customers, as well as internal projects like modules to serve the CMS communities such as WordPress.
For many of our customers projects, we needed to implement deposit payment functionality. The deposit should be based on the total amount of the order. As we could not find an appropriate plugin for that functionality, we therefore decided to develop the Kadio deposit for Woocommerce plugin for a general concept of use.
It has never been so simple, flexible and complete to use deposit payment functionalities on Woocommerce as with Kadio deposit for Woocommerce.
Kadio deposit for Woocommerce allows to setup the deposit payment functionality with advanced settings.
It’s up to you to decide
- At which level the deposit must be applied: Product level, cart total amount level, including shipping fees or not ?
- Where to display useful and custom information? On checkout page, thank you page, user account, emails, order detail in back office. You have the appropriate settings in your hands.
- How deposit and coupon work together? One click to activate the appropriate option and it’s done
Since release 2.0.0, the module is fully tested as compatible with Stripe, Paypal and Payplug for the online payment Gateway you may like to use.
This module is very simple to setup and offers a high opportunity to increase customer conversion for your ecommerce platform.
A few notes about the sections above:
- “Contributors” kadioconsulting
- “Tags” deposit, woocommerce, wordpress, stripe, payplug, paypal, ecommerce
Requires at least:
- “WordPress” 5.4
- “PHP”: 7.4
- “WooCommerce”: 5.7
Tested with:
- “Payplug for WooCommerce by PayPlug”: 2.6.1
- “WooCommerce PayPal Payments by WooCommerce”: 2.2.2
- “WooCommerce Stripe Gateway by WooCommerce”: 7.4.2
Here are the features of the “Kadio Deposit for WooCommerce”:
👉 Flexible Deposit setup
👉 Deposit available on checkout
👉 Possibility to apply the deposit by product or on cart total
👉 Possibility to apply the deposit on shipping amount
👉 Multiple payment gateways compatibility : Stripe, PayPlug, PayPal
👉 Availability of deposit information in order detail and Woocommerce emails
👉 fees, taxes and handling of coupons included in the deposit
Installing “Kadio Deposit for Woocommerce” can be done either by searching for “Kadio Deposit for Woocommerce” via the “Plugins > Add New” screen in your WordPress dashboard, or by using the following steps:
- Download the plugin via
- Upload the ZIP file through the ‘Plugins > Add New > Upload’ screen in your WordPress dashboard
- Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
What’s special about the Kadio deposit for Woocommerce plugin?
Kadio deposit for Woocommerce is the first Woocommerce plugin that allows you to offer customers of your e-commerce store, the payment of a deposit on the total amount of the cart. Other deposit management plugins offer a deposit per product. This certainly has advantages in some contexts but for example, if you are a hotelier, a restaurant owner, a tourism professional, these solutions of deposit by product will not be adapted to your need.
What support services do you offer for users of your plugins?
If you have an incident with one of our modules, please write us from our contact page. We will answer you within 24 hours and we will do our best to solve your problem as soon as possible. For your information, our support team is available from Monday to Saturday from 8am to 8pm, Paris time.
Is your Kadio deposit for Woocommerce plugin paid?
No. For the moment, the plugin is free and we don’t intend to charge for it yet, despite the investment we reserve to keep adding new features and options so that every user will find the best satisfaction in providing a good experience to the final customer.
Can we apply a deposit on per product?
Yes. In the settings you can choose the level of deposit to apply
Can we apply a deposit on shipping?
Yes, In the settings, you can choose whether you want to apply the deposit on shipping costs or not
How coupon and deposit are applied together?
If coupon must be use, deposit is applied only at cart total amount level. You can configured in the settings
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- Notification by e-mail after payment of the balance
- Add a compatibility with php 8.1, woocommerce 8.x and wordpress 6.x
- Added possibility to set deposit at product level or cart total amount level
- Added possibility to enable or disable deposit on shipping amount
- Added payment by payplug
- Added payment by paypal
- Added order custom status for orders with pending remaining payments
- Add a “Settings” link on the module in the listing extensions
- Customization of texts in the backoffice
- First version of the plugin.