This plugin allow you to easy and automatically change annoying long WooCommerce categories lists with different levels of sub-elements to expandable categories menu:
- Just activate and it work automatically, No Settings required!
- Plugin work with most of all themes that support WooCommerce
- Does not change your theme styles for widget
- Optimized for Extra fast work, not slow down your website
- Use SVG images for Retina support and extra fast loading speed
- 100% Responsive all plugin elements and pages
- Work on mobile and touch devices
- Translation ready (PO/MO files included)
This is a Free light version of Ultimate WooCommerce Expandable Categories Plugin.
Purchase PRO version to get this amazing features:
- Multilevel categories support
- Highlight active category
- Open all parent categories if current category located inside
- Plugin work with ANY theme that support WooCommerce
- Detailed Documentation guide
- Free Plugin updates and dedicated support
Live Demo
Ultimate Woocommerce Expandable Categories Live Demo:
Pro Version
To Buy Pro Version Please Click Here
Just install and activate plugin. It works automatically!
- Have any questions about plugin usage?
Read plugin Documentation.
Meiwurkers & amp; Untwikkelders
“Ultimate WooCommerce Expandable Categories” is iepen boarne software. De folgjende minsken hawwe bydroegen oan dizze plugin.
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- Init release
- WordPress 4.x support
- Fixed – Performance issues
- Added – Latest WooCommerce and WordPress support