The Easy Yandex Metrica plugin allows you to view some Yandex Metrica data directly in your WordPress admin panel
What is Yandex Metrica
Yandex Metrica is a free tool for evaluating site traffic and analyzing user behavior. Learn all the features of the service
you can on the official page.
The Easy Yandex Metrica plugin adds a graphical display of the following data to the administrative panel
– the number of visitors to the site
– sources, summary
– summary of transitions from search engines
– summary of transitions from sites
– summary of transitions from social networks
This plugin does not add the tracking counter code to the site, if you need a simple installation of the code – use our plugin Simple Counter
The plugin is available in the following languages:
– English (en_US), built-in
– Russian (ru_RU), native support
You can help with translation to other languages-the plugin is completely ready for translation!
- Download the zip file.
- Log into WordPress, hover over Plugins, and click Add New.
- Click on the Upload Plugin button.
- Select the zip file you downloaded.
- Click Install Plugin.
- Activate.
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1.2.2 (7 November 2022)
- Tested up to WordPress 6.1
- Small bug fixed
1.2.1 (16 July 2022)
- Small bug fixed
1.2 (17 June 2022)
- Add dashboard widget
1.1.1 (26 July 2021)
- Tested up to WordPress 5.8
1.1 (7 April 2021)
- Add user roles support
1.0.6 (10 March 2021)
- Tested up to WordPress 5.7
1.0.5 (4 February 2021)
- Small bug fixed
1.0.4 (5 June 2020)
- Small bug fixed
1.0.3 (29 May 2020)
- Small bug fixed
1.0.2 (19 February 2020)
- Small bug fixed
1.0.1 (14 January 2020)
- Small bug fixed
1.0.0 (14 January 2020)
- Creating a plugin