1) You can add these functions to these buttons on your website with these plugin.
– Phone number for your visitors to call or to send message you on
* Whatsapp
-Username for your visitors to send message you on
* Telegram
* Facebook Messenger
-Username for your visitors to see your profile.
* Facebook
* Twitter
* Instagram
2) You can change the text of all buttons from the admin panel.
3) You can change background color and text color of all buttons from the admin panel.
4) Icons will be added automatically to all buttons according to your choice also can be removed optionally.(Phone, Whatsapp, Twitter, Telegram, Facebook,Facebook Messenger or Instagram)
5) The direction of the icons can be changed according to the text (Bottom – Top – Right – Left)
– The plugin uses icons from Fontawesome.
View our plugin Demo page:
Meiwurkers & amp; Untwikkelders
“Easy Sticky Buttons” is iepen boarne software. De folgjende minsken hawwe bydroegen oan dizze plugin.
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- Bugs fixed.
- More buttons can be added.
- An optional number of buttons between 1 and 4 can be added.
- The direction of the icons can be changed according to the text as Bottom – Top – Right – Left and also can be removed optionally.
- Initial release.