IMPORTANT: Easy Employee Management require wordpress 3.8 or higher.
Insert employee detail.
Update employee detail.
Delete employee detail.
Search employee detail.
- To all that use it.
- All that you help to improve it.
- All you made donations.
- All that you encourage us with your comments.
Thank you very much to all!
Easy Employee Management [Installation Guide]
- You can:
- Upload the ‘east_employee_management’ folder to ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory via FTP.
- Upload the full ZIP file via Plugins -> Add New -> Upload on your WordPress Administration Panel.
- Search Easy employee Management in the search engine available on Plugins -> Add New and press Install Now button.
- Activate plugin through Plugins menu on WordPress Administration Panel.
- Ready, now you can enjoy it, and if you like it and find it useful.
- Installation Instructions
Easy Employee Management [Installation Guide]
- You can:
- Upload the ‘east_employee_management’ folder to ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory via FTP.
- Upload the full ZIP file via Plugins -> Add New -> Upload on your WordPress Administration Panel.
- Search Easy employee Management in the search engine available on Plugins -> Add New and press Install Now button.
- Activate plugin through Plugins menu on WordPress Administration Panel.
- Ready, now you can enjoy it, and if you like it and find it useful.
- You can:
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“Easy Employee Management” is iepen boarne software. De folgjende minsken hawwe bydroegen oan dizze plugin.
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- Initial version.