Dizze plugin is net hifke mei de lêste 3 grutte releases fan WordPress . It kin net langer wurde ûnderhâlden of stipe en kin kompatibiliteitsproblemen hawwe as it wurdt brûkt mei resinte ferzjes fan WordPress.

E20R Better Members List for Paid Memberships Pro


Extensible, sortable & bulk action capable members listing tool for Paid Memberships Pro. This plugin is a complete replacement for the “Members List” functionality in PMPro and supports most of the same filters and hooks. The key differences have to do with managing columns. Now you can also use the standard WordPress filters to columns you can add/remove/make sortable, additional bulk actions, etc.

Extending the Members List

This plugin uses the WP_List_Table class to generate the flexible table approach you know and love from the WordPress Post/Page/etc back-end. As a result, it’s has a standardized and flexible approach to adding columns to the table.

I’ve also included a number of filters and actions to let a PHP developer expand on the search functionality for the list.

The same goes for the Export to CSV functionality.

This plugin should support the standard Paid Memberships Pro filters in order to add new CSV export columns and data.

Supported Filters


Supported Actions


Known Issues

PHP 8.0 and later introduces warning messages for certain behaviors that were ignored prior to v8.0. Because of this, and the fact that this plugin relies on functionality from Paid Memberships Pro, the “end date” column may print messages indicating problems with the trim() function. Until Paid Memberships Pro updates their plugin to support PHP8.x, these messages will need to be disabled in your web server configuration (suppressed).

Setting the “Members per page” in the “Options” drop-down on the Members List page to a number greater than 50 can result in unexpected errors/warnings. The default value is 20. One symptom is seeing the PHP warning: “Warning: Unknown: Input variables exceeded 2000. To increase the limit change max_input_vars in php.ini. in Unknown on line 0”


  1. Upload the e20r-members-list folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.


27 desimber, 2021
Have just installed on a dev site (new to PM Pro). Adds functionality sorely missed to the default members list IMO, particularly when first setting up and testing a site. Kudos to the dev and my thanks for contributing it to the community.
21 maart, 2019
I held off on my review as the plugin initially had one glitch where it was only showing all subscriptions as monthly or annual (I also have quarterly & semi-annual terms). I notified the plugin author of the issue & he fixed it. 5-stars now.
25 febrewaris, 2019 1 reakce
Thank you for writing this plugin and making it free. It has saved me a lot of time in managing users on PMPRO. I did find a couple glitches with the Bulk Updater – at times it did not work. But all in all a very useful tool.
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