With the help of this extension you will be able to restrict the downloads from your website behind a WooCommerce purchase.
How does it work
When configuring your WooCommerce products, you will be able to select and attach a download/file from Download Monitor. This will allow users to download that specific file only after they purchase the product it is linked to.
You can read more about this extension in our official documentation article.
What do I need to install to use this?
For this, you will need to install Download Monitor, WooCommerce, and the extension that integrates the two plugins.
Do I need to be logged in for this?
Yes, in order for the integration to properly determine your download permissions, you will need to be logged in. This will properly identify the link between the completed order and the customer trying to download the file.
What payment integrations are available?
You can take advantage of all the payment integrations provided by WooCommerce since WooCommerce handles the actual purchases directly.
Can I attach multiple downloads to a single product?
Yes, when configuring your WooCommerce product, you can link one or multiple downloads from Download Monitor.
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1.0.0 – 10.01.2025
Initial Release