Dizze plugin is net hifke mei de lêste 3 grutte releases fan WordPress . It kin net langer wurde ûnderhâlden of stipe en kin kompatibiliteitsproblemen hawwe as it wurdt brûkt mei resinte ferzjes fan WordPress.

Coupon API


Automatically import Coupons & Deals from popular Affiliate Networks into your WordPress Coupon Website.


  • Get Coupons & Deals from popular Affiliate Networks
  • Automatically updates your Website with new/modified/deleted offers in every 1 Hour
  • No revenue sharing. Adds YOUR Affiliate IDs to all Landing Page URLs
  • Map names of Stores & Categories as per your website
  • Option to manually bulk-import your own Coupons & Deals

Supported Themes

  • ClipMyDeals Coupon + Cashback Theme
  • Rehub (ReDeal Child Theme)
  • CouponXL
  • CouponXXL
  • CouponWP
  • Couponer
  • Couponis
  • Coupon by MyThemeShop
  • PremiumPress
  • Clipper
  • CouponHut
  • CouponMart
  • WP-Coupon-Pro
  • CouponPress by Coupon Themes
  • All WordPress Themes


This plugin makes API calls to CouponAPI.org. It uses your API Key to fetch the latest coupons & deals. Please visit CouponAPI.org to understand the details of all Features. Also read the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use carefully.


In case of queries, drop an email to help@couponapi.org


  • Coupon API Settings
  • Manual CSV Import
  • Process Logs
  • Automatic configuration checks


  1. Install any of the supported Coupon Themes.
  2. Download this plugin (.zip file) and extract it in wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  3. Activate the Plugin from Plugins page in Admin Panel
  4. Create an account on CouponAPI.org, and get your API Key.
  5. Go to WordPress > Coupon API, and enter your API Key
  6. Click on Save
  7. The plugin will pull the latest offers whenever you click on the “Fetch New Feed” button.
  8. If everything is working fine, you can set the plugin to automatically pull new offers every hour. Just enable the “Auto-Pilot” option and click save.


19 maart, 2022 1 reakce
This plugin is good till you pay them but it deletes all post which are not imported using this plugin. So be aware before using this plugin. When you deactivate plugin it deletes all posts. Don’t deactivate this plugin. Rename plugin folder to save your posts if you don’t want to use it.
14 jannewaris, 2022
It took a while to set everything up and make it work, but now it works perfectly! Saving me looooaads of time and makes my website updated with coupons and deals 24/7. I wish I found this service a year earlier! 6 out of 5 stars!
2 novimber, 2021
Excellent plugin! It has helped me a lot to get rid of the daily operational task of adding coupons to my website daily.
9 septimber, 2021 1 reakce
Comprei o plugin e me arrependi muito. Só perdi tempo, foi prometido 7 dias grátis e também não tive. Acabei comprando para poder usar e depois de 3 dias tentado fazer funcionar e o suporte péssimo sem saber o que fazer, decidi então cancelar minha conta. Não me devolveram o dinheiro, são desonestos porque para a empresa o problema é do cliente e não de quem desenvolveu um plugin péssimo sem funcionar. Cuidado não caiam nesse local, vou postar os emails em forma de vídeo depois na internet mostrando como não vale a pena.
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