The Cool Contact is an easy to install and use contact form that allows your visitors to send you messages by simply insert [cool_contact] to any page and contact form will appear
the plugin uses a separate language file to easily translate the plugin into any language, it supports only English so far as it’s the first version, both in the back-end and front-end of the site.
admin area Overview
Contact Form Overview Overview
- it’s easy to install and get it work
- It uses AJAX to send data to the server to process
- the submit button is disabled after submission to avoid multiple submission of the same form
- avoid multiple submission if the visitor reloaded the contact page
- jQuery form validations
- a separate language file to support adding new language for the plugin
- easy to enable or disable fields to the form
- choose between make a filed is required or not
- easy to set the maximum number of characters to any field
- easy to set the minimum number of characters to any field
- easy to get more information about the visitor like the IP, came from and browser
- an option to add a check box to send me a copy to the visitor
- secure forum using captcha ( you can enable or disable it)
- allows you to set the email subject text
- automatically set the from email to your domain name like that (
to avoid sending the email to junk box, you can change it at the admin panel - allows you to Specify the recipient’s email address which by default will set to the current user’s email address
- Upload the cool_contact folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
- Activate the plugin using the ‘Plugins’ menu in your WordPress admin panel.
- You can adjust the necessary settings using your WordPress admin panel in “cool contact” .
- Create a page or a post and insert the shortcode [cool_contact].
- You can add or shortcode in any template.
- How can i use this plugin
after activation just simply insert [cool_contact] to any page and contact form will appear
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Meiwurkers & amp; Untwikkelders
“Cool Contact” is iepen boarne software. De folgjende minsken hawwe bydroegen oan dizze plugin.
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V1.0 – 26.06.2014
To add a contact form to your site
V1.1 – 29.06.2014
this a new release update some of the jquery UI
V1.2 – 30.06.2014
Update the error message
V1.5 – 9.07.2014
add a function that increase the form security
V2.0 – 19.09.2014
update the script to make sure it wors with WordPress 4.0
V2.4 – 16.12.2014
update the script to make sure it works with WordPress 4.1
V2.5 – 1.1.2016
update the script to make sure it works with WordPress 4.4