CookieCode enables your website to comply with GDPR and e-privacy rules by blocking tracking and analytical cookies until the visitor has given their consent.
In addition, the cookie declaration for your website will be updated automatically by our crawler.
Third party service
CookieCode is a third party service that analyzes your website to look for tracking and analytical cookies.
Consent given by the visitor is stored anonymously on our servers for audit purposes.
Privacy statement:
First, install the plugin on your WordPress site.
Then, go to Settings -> CookieCode and optionally choose your language.
When choosing the language ‘Automatic’ the plugin will try to determine the language automatically.
To force a specific language, select it from the drop down and click ‘Save’.
Optionally, choose to disable the cookie notice for admins or all logged in users.
This can help when there is a conflict with a page builder.
No, CookieCode is a subscription based service. Ask your web developer to contact us to start making use of our services.
Meiwurkers & amp; Untwikkelders
“CookieCode” is iepen boarne software. De folgjende minsken hawwe bydroegen oan dizze plugin.
MeiwurkersOersette “CookieCode” yn jo taal.
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