

Dizze plugin is sluten fan 7 maart, 2024 ôf en is net beskikber foar ynlaad. Reden: Feiligens Issue.


11 maaie, 2022 1 reakce
I installed. When I go to Settings, I am denied access.
21 febrewaris, 2022
This is the easiest backend editing plugin that I have come across. Just got through testing it and it is exactly what I have been looking for. It won’t work unless you update the database (shows a link) after activating so don’t neglect to do that before using. Great work!!
5 july, 2020 1 reakce
The add-on does not give access to addiction and use, and a message appears from the beginning that you do not have access
2 april, 2020 1 reakce
Be carefull! I got my menus destroyed and could not reset them. I am using WP 5.2.1.
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