All .bw domain names can add this plugin to have a way to direct people to a legitimate source of information regarding COVID-19 by
the government portal.
- English
- Search for ‘BW Coronavirus Banner’ in Plugins -> Add New and then click install and activate.
- or Upload the plugin files to the
directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly. - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
- Navigate to the BW COVID-19 in the sidebar menu to activate the location of the banner.
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Meiwurkers & amp; Untwikkelders
“BW Coronavirus Banner” is iepen boarne software. De folgjende minsken hawwe bydroegen oan dizze plugin.
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Blêdzje troch de koade , besjoch de SVN-repository , of abonnearje op it ûntwikkelingslogboek troch RSS .
- Resolves a jQuery issue with other plugins, this fix should resolve that.
- we found a whole lot of gremlins once adding the plugin to a variety of sites, this should resolve those issues.
- add_action
- Customise how you want the banner to be displayed.
- Released to WordPress Repository