BreezeView adds a “Powered by Google” button to your website, which when clicked, display your Google reviews with 5-star rating. They would be embedded in a sidebar which would slide in from the right. In order to close it, you can either click on the blue close button on the top right hand side of the sidebar or click on the “Close” link at the bottom. From the administrator side, you can set your Place ID which you can get from by typing in your business address and Google API Key which you can get from Please note that the reviews which are not 5-star would not be displayed.
Follow these steps:
- Upload the folder
to your plugin directory - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Done. You will see the “BreezeView Interface” tab on the left side, where you can set up your Place ID and Google API Key in order to render the Google Reviews with 5-star rating.
- Installation Instructions
Follow these steps:
- Upload the folder
to your plugin directory - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Done. You will see the “BreezeView Interface” tab on the left side, where you can set up your Place ID and Google API Key in order to render the Google Reviews with 5-star rating.
- Upload the folder
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- Does not contain the admin footer text
- Contains the dist folder with all the files
- Allows users to view clicks and impressions for the Google 5-star review button in the administrator.
Also, lets them check the CRO using the clicks vs impressions ratio.