Dizze plugin is net hifke mei de lêste 3 grutte releases fan WordPress . It kin net langer wurde ûnderhâlden of stipe en kin kompatibiliteitsproblemen hawwe as it wurdt brûkt mei resinte ferzjes fan WordPress.

Big Boom Rule Of Three


Create your content blocks on the plugin settings page and then use shortcode [rule-of-three] to insert the content you create anywhere on your site. The plugin provides several options as to how your blocks will be displayed on the front end:

  • None: Minimal styling so you can potentially add your own
  • Drop Shadow: Adds 3D drop shadow to each image
  • Nested: Best for blocks with short or no description. Layers text on top of image
  • Circle: Automatically displays images as circular without altering the actual image files
  • Bar: Adds customizable color bar under the header
  • Font Awesome: Allows you to choose any font awesome icon instead of using an image

See screenshots for examples of the different styling options.

Additional Features:

  • Easily add a title, image/icon, description, and link to each block of content for an instant call-to-action section
  • Load existing content using your pages, posts, or custom post types
  • Use a color picker utility to easily select a primary accent color to match your site
  • Includes an option to select a hover effect for the rule of three images or icons
  • Option to include “Read More” link with each block

For best results, make sure the images you use for each content block have the same aspect ratio.


  • A single block with no styling
  • A single block with Drop Shadow styling
  • A single block with Nested styling
  • A single block with Circle styling
  • A single block with Bar styling
  • A single block using Font Awesome mode


  • Go To Plugins >> Add New
  • Either search for “Big Boom” or Upload the .zip file downloaded here.
  • Once installed, go to the Rule Of Three admin menu item and set up your content
  • Use the shortcode [rule-of-three] in a page/post/widget/etc to insert the content into the front end


None yet.


28 novimber, 2016 1 reakce
This was the only plugin that I found that did what I wanted to do. It worked. Looked great. So, what is the problem you ask? Well … what if I want to use this plugin more than once in different ways on my website? This is a once and only once plugin. No good. I have a need for more than one use with it.
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“Big Boom Rule Of Three” is iepen boarne software. De folgjende minsken hawwe bydroegen oan dizze plugin.


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  • Resolved all the small fixed
  • Updated “Tested Up To” version 5.7


  • Added option for Rule Of Four


  • Added option for hover effect


  • Initial Release