Dizze plugin is net hifke mei de lêste 3 grutte releases fan WordPress . It kin net langer wurde ûnderhâlden of stipe en kin kompatibiliteitsproblemen hawwe as it wurdt brûkt mei resinte ferzjes fan WordPress.

Autocomplete For Relevanssi


This plugin is meant to add the word autocomplete in search input field by using the index stored in Relevanssi database. So you have to install first Relevanssi (free or premium version) to have it to work.

The JS script used to accomplish the autocompletion work has been developed by Lea Verou and is called Awesomplete. It is very simple to set up, lightweight and accessible.

List of functionalities

  • Settings available: styling, min characters typed to show the autocompletion box, max suggestions in autocompletion box.
  • Get the Relevanssi Indexed words to have the autcompletion list
  • Fast and lightweight
  • English and french languages included


  • The settings page
  • The suggestion box


  1. Upload the plugin folder /autocomplete-for-relevanssi/ to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. Use the Settings->Autocomplete for Relevanssi screen to configure the plugin


Could this plugin work without Relevanssi plugin installed?

No, sorry.

Is this plugin working for both free and premium Relevanssi plugin?


Can the box also display a search results list?

No sorry. For the moment it shows up only indexed words. But maybe the results list displaying feature will be added in a future version of Autocomplete for Relevanssi… 😉


18 maart, 2020 5 antwurden
Relevanssi author here. Please do not use this plugin in its current form. It’s dangerous for performance and may cause server crashes. It will also slow down page loads in a rather terrifying manner.
29 juny, 2017
This is a nice plugin but it breaks my customised search box. The search box doesn’t display properly unless No Style is selected, and even then once you start typing into the search box, the drop-down has no border and looks silly. Other than that, it’s a promising plugin and would be a nice feature to have.
31 maart, 2017
Thanks for a great plugin, Would you be able arrow-key-down / up to select the results?
27 oktober, 2016
This little plugin adds autocomplete to Relevanssi, simple and effective. NIce options for using their style sheet or you can use your own.
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*Initial release