Allows you to organize music, pictures/images, and videos on an artist page. The artist page has jQuery-UI style tabs, and polls tags on posts for the artist’s name and then files them into the Related Posts tab. It utilizes soundmanager2 and displays free songs on a player on the website. Recommended for use with Advanced AJAX Page Loader. This is a constant work in progress, and is evolving into an incredible plugin for musicians or record labels.
Uses for FTP and file browsing capability:
* (version 6.3)
- Install the Artisography plugin to your blog, and Activate it.
- Admin/Dashboard > Artistography > Artists: Create An Artist
- Admin/Dashboard > Artistography > Music Albums: Create An Album
- Admin/Dashboard > Artistography > Artist/Album Linker: Drag and Drop the Artist to the Music Album
- To populate the artist’s Related Posts tab just tag posts with the Artist’s name. Artistography will automatically find it.
- Under Appearance > Widgets use the “Artistography Shopping Cart” and “Artistography Products” widgets as needed.
- Use the following shortcodes on a page/post:
[artistography_display_artist_page id=1]
Displays photo/bio, discography, videos, and related posts of artist with database id=1
[artistography_artist_name id=1]
Displays the name of the artist with database id=1.
Displays artists in a table with pictures that break away on mouse-over
Optional paramaters:
cols=(default 4)
[artistography_playlist id=1]
Displays songs that are linked to album with id=1 in a list ordered by the song track numbers
[artistography_album_download_link id=1]
Displays a download picture with link to download album of album with database id=1
[artistography_album_art id=1]
Displays album photo for album with database id=1
Displays albums in a table with associated download hyperlink (if linked to a download) or add to cart link
Optional paramters:
cols=(default 3)
size=(default 200)
[artistography_display_album id=1]
Displays album where id=1 with associated download hyperlink (if linked to a download) or add to cart link
Optional parameters:
cols=(default 3)
size=(default 200)
[artistography_display_album_tracklist id=1]
Displays tracklist/description of album with album database id=1
[artistography_display_album_artist id=1]
Displays artist name of album with album database id=1
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*Moved SoundManager2 to SoundManager2 folder.
*Updated SM2 to latest github master.
*Added dispatch to in SM2 Bar-UI.
*Listen for dispatched events I placed in setTitle and menu click.
*Using $pagenow global to prevent sm2-bar-ui from showing up on wp-login.php.
*Using playItemByOffset(offset) on play button click to play playlist.
*Fixed bug where soundmanager2 bar-ui wasn’t showing up unless logged in
*Playlist dynamically updates on play button press… Loads song/album into bar-ui
*Does play links that you click, but still unstable with known defects regarding not being able to pause/stop playback when initiating playback from artistography methods
*AJAX Shopping Cart, removed standard post method
*Fixed a ton of bugs/notices/warnings indicated by WP_DEBUG
*Added Products widget
*Fixed shopping cart/checkout cart where more than one item does not show up
*Fixed shopping cart where quantity of any download will never exceed 1
*Updated small section of the About page
*Added shopping cart widget
*Added loadAlbumArtRefresh() to update album art when menu button is pressed on soundmanager2
*Add [artistography_playlist] shortcode
*Fixed shuffle of soundmanager2 playlist items
*Show album art in soundmanager2 playlist
*Added song/album linker
*Added thickbox
*Added AJAX Loader Option in case using Advanced AJAX Page Loader, WordPress AJAXIFY or the like to include scripts/styles on all pages so they are there if needed
*Randomize soundmanager2 playlist order
*Added stylesheet for soundmanager2
*Properly displays explicit tag in soundmanager2 player
*Added Track number/explicit fields to song class
*Fixed some minor bugs breaking release
*Added soundmanager v2.97
*Fixed minor bug in Music Manager related to not getting next node for Download selector
*Added Songs class/admin manager
*Free songs load into soundmanager playlist to play on the site
*Fixed artists display script
*Fixed Updated/Edit Gallery Posts
*Fixed Order manager table colspan
*AJAX Music Manager
*Orders page now has filter and AJAX Viewer
*Worked on Gallery Edit
*Dialog window to view orders in detail
*Added parent_txn_id to orders table
*Added most of the paypal options we may need for a full store later
*Updated Orders class to support new database options
*Updated Orders admin panel
*Changed database for orders and tweaked to get it working
*Added Business Name option
*Using curl for PayPal IPN and reading raw POST data instead
*Updated small bugs in cart
*Changed jQuery for Artist picture hover to fadeIn fadeOut and added Image Gallerie to stats
*Working on PayPAl IPN
*Still working on Gallery manager
*Working on Gallery Manager
*Added Lightbox/Colorbox Gallery Styles
*Got Gallery Manager working
*Setup add to cart/download link shower to display download link if logged in user paid for it already
*Pass IPN URL permalink to PayPal
*Add artist photos from media library
*Added Image Galleries tab/code
*Added specific script adder to use separate .js files per admin page
*Fixed bug in IPN handler
*Added User ID to Orders admin interface table
*Fixed bug in insert music album script preventing music from being added
*Added security and Orders processed checking to Downloads
*Finished Orders class and Orders tab fully functional
*Added PayPal Sandbox for testing option to Options menu
*Added price to albums and removed enable state, featured state, and free downloads enabled state
*Added IPN, Orders, and Thank You pages for ordering and hid them
*Updated Cart, Checkout, Orders, and Thank you for ordering pages to have no comments/pingbacks
*Added session_start() to main plugin file to resume $_SESSION
*Added “Add to Cart” images to music instead of Download image link when price is not free
*Got Cart/Checkout working
*Added Orders Admin menu
*Completed Instant Payment Notifications (IPN) code
*Add Sale class
*Working on Cart/Checkout system
*Created cart and checkout page and hid them
*Fixed download script to point to the proper directory
*Fixed copy explorer to downloads path
*Updated FTP Uploader and downloads directory because downloads directory in plugin folder is deleted upon update
*Fixed directory to files
*Changed FTP Password to Password textbox
*Fixed Downloads admin interface
*Fixed FTP Uploader … Misplaced semi-colon broke page in last version
*Fixed enqueue scripts/styles directories
*Added Download class/undocumented shortcode
*Changed Download URL handler to utilize shortcode and Download class
*Added PayPal Donation Email option for download page
* Fixed script logic on deactivate/uninstall to preserve_database
* Fixed options screen
* Used preserve_database option in uninstall
* Fixed delete track_list database table
* Fixed install script logic
* Added ZUpload from sourceforge instead of unlimited_ftp
* Added eXtplorer 2.1.5 from sourceforge for PHP file browser
* Fixed options screen
* Removed track_list database and support routines
* Removed stats page
* Moved Options page towards the bottom
* Made textbox into textarea for artist description
* Fixed FTP Uploader page with plugins_url()
* Updated style for admin panels
* Worked on AJAX Artist Create, Edit, Update, and Delete Artist
* Dropped artist birthday from database
* Dropped support for regular post methods for artist create, edit, and update
* Preparing for full internationalization support
* Finally using $artist->incrementPageViewsById($id) when shortcode is used: [artistography_display_artist_page id=x]
* Displaying artist page views in manage artist admin panel
* Fixed Related Posts size so that accordions would be visible
- Split up css for admin and display site
- Added function: artistography_enqueue_admin_style_and_scripts()
- Fixed broken css/javascript include path: artistography_enqueue_style_and_scripts
- More internationalization support.
- Removed myspace_url support from artist database table
- Added function: artistography_enqueue_style_and_scripts()
- Internationalization support begun
- Updated jQuery and jQuery-UI to version 1.11.2
- Created Project “Artistography”
- Setup Top-Level Menu in the Admin panel, with submenus