Amp Stories for WordPress. Create stories by filling a simple form on a post or page. Amp story is a new funcionality of AMP.
To view your “Amp Story” add ?amp=1 to your post or page url. Example:
You can add background images, text, videos and audio to your AMP story.
Please write to me on Twitter if you have any questions! Twitter
If you want to contribute get the NEW PRO VERSION.
- NEW PRO VERSION: Bookend Management. Add related/extra content at the end of the story. Facebook, twitter, e-mail shares.
- NEW Add background video to amp page. You can also set poster image for video.
- NEW Add audio to amp page.
- NEW Include urls on the amp page.
- Amp Stories wordpress builder.
- Add background image to amp page.
- Button to allow or deactivate amp story for post.
- Create amp stories on your page or post.
Meiwurkers & amp; Untwikkelders
“Amp Stories for WordPress” is iepen boarne software. De folgjende minsken hawwe bydroegen oan dizze plugin.
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