Dizze plugin is net hifke mei de lêste 3 grutte releases fan WordPress . It kin net langer wurde ûnderhâlden of stipe en kin kompatibiliteitsproblemen hawwe as it wurdt brûkt mei resinte ferzjes fan WordPress.



AliPrice is a WordPress plugin created for AliExpress Affiliate Program.

AliPrice always will be free.You should provide your AliPrice account,AliExpress AppKey and trackingId.

Easily find desired products on AliExpress.com to add to your website. Specify a category, keywords, price, commission rate, purchase volume and more to find best products.

Save time by posting HUGE amount of products all at once. This way, you can have thousands of products automatically added to your site in just a few clicks.

Easily check how many products are loaded to your website, how many views and redirects to AliExpress each of your products gets.

The Plugin auto updating system is keeping your product info fresh with the latest data from AliExpress.

Advertising program that includes the best of AdSense, Facebook Ads, AOL, Amazon, Google AdX, and Yahoo


What’s with the version numbers?

The version number is the date of the revision of the guidelines used to create it.

Why does it flag something as bad?

It’s not flagging “bad” things, as such. The theme check is designed to be a non-perfect way to test for compliance with the Theme Review guidelines. Not all themes must adhere to these guidelines. The purpose of the checking tool is to ensure that themes uploaded to the central WordPress.org theme repository meet the latest standards of WordPress themes and will work on a wide variety of sites.

Many sites use customized themes, and that’s perfectly okay. But themes that are intended for use on many different kinds of sites by the public need to have a certain minimum level of capabilities, in order to ensure proper functioning in many different environments. The Theme Review guidelines are created with that goal in mind.

This theme checker is not perfect, and never will be. It is only a tool to help theme authors, or anybody else who wants to make their theme more capable. All themes submitted to WordPress.org are hand-reviewed by a team of experts. The automated theme checker is meant to be a useful tool only, not an absolute system of measurement.

This plugin does not decide the guidelines used. Any issues with particular theme review guidelines should be discussed on the Make Themes site.


24 augustus, 2019
This is too dangers: with out any notice or Warning this plugin installed 3 of its own themes (without notification and activated one of them) My business office was shocked to see it and we face grater Challenge with our customers. Fortunately we recover our all sites again…please word press remove this plugin to maintain your good dignity. Also While I am looking for several plugins i have seen their been too tricky and trying to up sale many plugin to their price list. I think word press can screen these kind of plunging developers and remove them word press sites its self….
15 augustus, 2017
this wordpress pluin will help you make money from aliexpress
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